This form is for our valued Clients, not a source for your lame ads and stupid ‘opportunities’.
Any ‘lame ads’, stupid ‘opportunities’ and ‘website enhancement software’ you are promoting on this form will NEVER be used by us. By using this form to solicit us PROVES you are ETHICALLY BANKRUPT.
- If you are using a VPN that places you outside of the united(not a typo) States you will not be able to log on to our websites. Ether turn the VPN off or change your location to some big city in America. (
- Complete Your Name, etc. as usual.
- Fill in all the information you can so I can FIX the issue.
- There is NO charge for this… for the first half dozen times… after that it will cost you enough for us to buy a very high quality “ADULT BEVERAGE”… ’cause you are driving us to drinkin!
Indicator Information Institute
Carol Werelius, Executive Trustee